What does it mean to remove Obstacles?
Where is the fire? The fire is there on the hill But I don’t see it there You can see it if you are really bent upon seeing it Are you...
The thing is you cannot skip steps to practice
A question from a student came up recently— “why do we do all this practicing— can’t I just let my Guru or Jesus or the Divine Mother...
And the day came to blossom…..
I just want things to work out for me……God Goddess etc. Grant me the things I need, to get what I want……OH MY !!!! The battle cry of the...
Put Your Commitment on the Line
It might sound like a small thing. It is not. if we cannot be reliable to our commitments we should not make the commitment. If we cannot...
AIM Arrows and Clarity
There is a pre-quel to the Bhagavad Gita that goes like this: The great King is looking for the Ultimate Warrior— he sends word to...
Work vs. work
Tuesday WAKE UP CALL #KEEPYOURAIM #RELEASEYOURSHIELDSOFSABOTAGE Work or work This is such a big teaching— My Guru was very big on “what...
Chop Wood Carry Water
Chop Wood Carry Water is practice in everyday life. And this phrase deeply communicates the meaning of the fruit of practice. What are we...
If you happen to stumble upon a wanderer, Unlock the door and welcome them in, But do so Knowing That they are only there to rest their...
Fear of the Dark
Change and transformation happen in the dark with no sound— Lee Lozowick Since I was a child I have been deathly afraid of the dark… I...
The road to Certification in the Anusara Method is not paved, smooth or recognizable — it is dusty, dirty, and has many potholes visible...
Mid Terms
We passed mid terms for my students at North Idaho College— and their mid term is to come with a nugget or aha from the previous 8 weeks—...
noun, plural responsibilities. 1. the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power,...
And just like that justification reared it head
A dream is a wish your heart makes, but AIM is where you place your attention.  Fantasy land is a very easy place to get to, it’s...
I teach at the local college— North Idaho College— a beginning yoga class— it is really my most magical class as I get to teach on AIM...
Into the Light
Most people are so addicted to self destructive behavior, so intent upon self destruction, that they ramble on until they destroy...